Tag Archives: bash

Self-Signing Modules on Fedora 20

I recently got a new computer for work. So new that the wireless drivers are not yet included in the kernel mainline, though they do exist in the staging tree in the main branch. It’s relatively easy to compile the module following the directions post on this blog post:

Updated kernel source for 3.15:

Makefile append:

KDIR := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
PWD := $(shell pwd)
$(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) CONFIG_R8821AE=m modules

Basically you download that tarball, append to the Makefile, and run make. Simple.

The problem I ran into is that UEFI SecureBoot is set up, meaning that all code inserted in the kernel needs to be signed and recognized by the bios. It’s really not obvious how to do this, I guess because people are not really encouraged to build custom modules and kernels. I did eventually find a post from the SystemTap guy on how to do it:

x509.genkey openssl config file

[ req ]
default_bits = 4096
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
prompt = no
string_mask = utf8only
x509_extensions = myexts

[ req_distinguished_name ]
CN = Modules

[ myexts ]

Creating the x509 certs, and adding them to MoK (machine-owner keys):

openssl req -new -nodes -utf8 -sha256 -days 36500 -batch -x509 -config x509.genkey -outform DER -out signing_key.x509 -keyout signing_key.priv
sudo mokutil --import signing_key.x509

Sign modules and install:

/usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`/scripts/sign-file sha512 signing_key.priv signing_key.x509 rtl8821ae.ko
sudo cp rtl8821ae.ko /lib/modules/3.16.0-1.fc22.x86_64/kernel/drivers/staging/rtl8821ae/

It kernel panic’d the first time (oops). The second time it ran ok.

Exploding, compositing, reanimating gifs

# -coalesce makes sure that each individual frame is complete
convert animated.gif -coalesce frame%05d.png

# compose and flatten frames
for x in frame*.png; do convert -page +0+0 base.png -page +200+10 $x -flatten +repage comp-`basename $x`; done

# get frame delays
identify -verbose animated.gif |grep Delay|sed 's/.* \([0-9]*\)x.*/\1/' > delays

# generate convert command from the delays
$( echo -n convert; i=0; for d in `cat delays`; do printf " -delay $d comp-frame000%02d.png " $i; let i++; done; echo " out.gif" )

Testing links to see if they work

The input is a csv where the first column is the URL you want to test. The curl line spits out the response code. -f means curl will return an exit code if the fetch fails.

# test URLs
for x in $(cat "$file" | grep -v URL | cut -d, -f1) ; do code=$(curl -s -w %{response_code} -f "$x" -o /dev/null) && echo "URL OK $code: $x";  done

# convert URLs to nginx redirects
sed -e 's#^http://[^/]*\(/[^,]*\),\(.*\)$#rewrite ^\1$ \2 permanent;#' < "$file" > /tmp/output_redirects

Good times.